Keep Your Site Up-to-Date, Fast, and Secure
Website Maintenance
You’re looking for a way to make changes to your website quickly and easily without the hassle of managing your own site. At Prager, we know that when certain things change at your business, they may need to change on your website and you might not have the time or tools to do that on your own. That’s where our website maintenance service packages come in. More than just making on-page edits, website maintenance involves content updates, security, backups, and more. We make sure your site has accurate information, loads quickly, and is safe from spam and other issues that affect your ability to serve your customers. We offer a variety of website maintenance service packages to suit any combination of needs.
Set Yourself Up for Success
You know your site is safe and you’re able to manage the updates that you need, but how do you get visitors to your site? As a full-service digital agency, Prager offers several digital marketing solutions such as search engine optimization, paid search management, email marketing, and social media management. These solutions, paired with our website maintenance service packages can give your website, and your business, a boost in traffic and ultimately improve your bottom-line.